Less Wrecks The Problem With NASCAR Today? Really??

Over the last few weeks, the talk in the garage is the lack of wrecks. Fans want more, the drivers prefer to keep their cars and points intact.

Check out my thoughts on this here.

Categories: Other

Been Reading…

It’s 3am and I have been reading over some articles I’ve written over the years. Most are opinion pieces about NASCAR or Pro Wrestling. Since having these articles publish things have changed in these two sports, and in some cases my opinion has changed. I will be going over some of these articles and doing sort of  redo on them.

Categories: Blog News

Wanting To Write Full Time

I have recently made the choice to leave my job. I of course will be looking for another one, but am hoping to soon be able to write full time and be able to make a living doing so. I have recently joined PayPerPost.com and am hoping this is a good start.

Writing is something that I have always loved doing and being able to make a living doing it would be a dream come true.

Look for many more post on my blog in the future….

Categories: Blog News

Now on Squidoo

October 8, 2011 Leave a comment

I am now going to start posting my Rants & Raves articles on Squidoo. You can find the first one, which is an extended version of my Divas/Knockouts post at http://www.squidoo.com/knocking-out-the-divas.

Categories: Blog News

Knocking Out The Divas

October 6, 2011 Leave a comment

This is my first official Rants & Rave blog post, and what better topic than Mickie James and what’s wrong with WWE’s Divas.

I’ve been a WWE(F) fan since I was a kid. In the late 90’s I was a big fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin and of course Sable. She not only had looks, but was just as tough in the ring as the guys. After awhile of not watching wrestling, I returned to a watered down version of WWE that I watched in the 90’s. Not only were the male wrestlers too PG, but the Divas were…well, Divas. But I was still die hard WWE, and swore never to watch TNA. That changed when Mickie James, who had become my favorite diva, showed up there after being dicked around by WWE.

What really got me watching TNA was the first Mickie James match I saw, which was her cage match with Tara. It was not only amazing to see women wrestlers in a cage match, but they were doing the same things the male wrestlers did, including jumping from the top of the cage and back into the ring, as seen in the video above.

WWE recently started making some changes when they created “The Divas of Doom” with Natalya and Beth Phoenix. But they still had the more “girly” Divas like Kelly Kelly beating what were the stronger women. Now, Beth Phoenix finally has won the Diva’s Championship, but WWE had her win by cheating. I was happy to see Beth finally win the title, but why this way? The “tough women” are the heels and I don’t feel that is right.

I don’t expect this little blog post to make any difference to the WWE creative team or their plans with the Divas Division. I can only hope they take some lessons from TNA and make their women wrestlers a little tougher like they were in the 90’s.

In conclusion, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Nowhere in this post to I imply that the women of WWE are weak. Each and every one of them bust their asses every week. My problem is with the way the WWE uses them.

Changes Coming!

September 3, 2011 Leave a comment

I am in the process of making changes to this blog. I will still be using it to showcase my writing from around the internet, but now I will also be using it for opinion pieces and news about things that matter to me. I will be using this blog in conjuction with Hubpages, Twitter, and Facebook.

Also, I have changed the Blog Exclusives category to Rants & Raves.

Categories: Blog News

Category Added

December 22, 2010 Leave a comment

I have added a category called Blog Exclusives. Post in this category will be articles and other writing work that I only have posted here. If in the future any of the work in that category are published somewhere else, I will edit the post.

Categories: Other

My Old NASCAR Blog

December 22, 2010 Leave a comment

While going through my old Bleacher Report articles, I found a link to my old NASCAR Blog. I no longer publish anything there, but I am including it here to show more of my writing.


Rob’s NASCAR Blog

Categories: Other

Bleacher Report Articles

December 22, 2010 Leave a comment

Instead of posted each of the articles I have at Bleacher Report, I am posting the link to my BR Profile. Any further BR articles will be be posted one at a time.


My BR Articles

Categories: Other

More Articles Coming!

December 22, 2010 Leave a comment

I knew I had published some articles at another site, but couldn’t remember what it was. I finally found my Bleacher Report articles. I will be posting them now. I may even do some more writing for BR. It’s been over a year since I published anything there.

Categories: Other